Richie, Rob, Rick H, Barry and I plus 4 of Richie’s California friends were supposed to be fishing week before last in Montana. On about June 30, as cases were trending up especially out west, I wrote the group and the outfitter that I had to cancel- I was going to be flying United and could see myself boarding a plane in Denver with a bunch of Yahoos from Texas or Arizona. United has been more lax than Delta on Covid stuff- its policy at the time was, if you check in and don’t like the looks of your flight, you can cancel and rebook. I was pretty sure the guy next to me on the plane would be wearing a MAGA face mask as his eyeshades for the early flight. Right after I cancelled Barry and the California guys did the same (one guy must have been typing his cancellation note at the exact same time I was). Rich, Rob and Rick went and had a great time but Rich just sent me an email saying if flying conditions were the same next year he wouldn’t go.
After fishing I was supposed to fly to Boston to meet C, and then we were going up to Maine to go to our niece's wedding and stay for a week for a family reunion on her side of the family. Well, Covid converted the wedding to a zoom affair and the reunion fell apart.
So C and I drove up a long way to Maine for a week to see her newly wed niece (another one by zoom) and one of her brothers.
The first stop was in the wrong direction, in Lexington where I got in a GREAT half day of fishing. 20 fish in 3.5 hours- all hard fighting 14 inch ish rainbows except one monster brown trout.2/3 on dry fly, wet wading in clear water. I only fell in once.
Next night at an inn near Hershey with a side stop at Boiling Springs Pa. Each room had a theme and ours was Africa. We had the whole place to ourselves due to Covid. The best breakfast of the trip!!
Next a night in Beacon NY with dinner with M and J, who were exiting their tick infested rental near the site of Woodstock.
Next a night visiting friends on the border between Maine and NH. The rules at this time were one needs a negative Covid test three days before entering the state. We got tested as we were supposed to. Two weeks to the day after we got tested, and 4 days after we got back home we got our results.
Then to Boothbay Harbor by way of Freeport and LLBean.
We had a great time. Our rental was very well appointed with a great covered porch. We watched Anne and Wesley's wedding via Zoom. I got some fishing in but mostly just lazed around reading. People believed in masks and you could not enter anything public without one on.
I had to search hard for public access fishing spots due to no local knowledge. I had one great hour or so of catching smallmouth bass and largemouth bass at Appalachee Pond near our rental. On another day I went farther afield and found the perfect place to wade in clear water where i could see fish jumping and rising. By the time I got my gear ready to go, a couple of cars with giggly teenagers and a unicorn float pulled up. End of fishing.
One night in a restaurant in Southport and a wonderful breakfast one day at Mama D's.
Connie has a 30 + day streak going of 6.3 miles per day walking. I joined her for about an 8 day streak of my own. On the last day I did my own run and had an unusual thing happen. I ran by one of those speed signs that tells you what you are doing in a speed restricted zone- you are going 45 in a 25 speed limit. Anyway the radar picked up my speed at 5 miles per hour. Not bad for an old man.
On the way home, we were supposed to stop to break up the trip at a hotel
in upstate NY. We decided to push on and when I called to cancel my hotel they
said we were too late and I would forfeit $400 (weekend rate) for the night.
Then C mentioned our Virginia license plates and they said they would
cancel without penalty. The only good thing to come out of Covid so far.
When we left home, our air conditioner for one level was
broken, we had sprung a water main leak, and the guys renovating our kitchen
were supposed to start the demolition. We got back and the water and AC were
fixed but no progress on the demo. At least we missed a week of 100+ degree
temperatures here. It was only 88 tops in Maine.
Now it’s back to the heat, the demo, and not knowing where anything that was in the kitchen is.